1) VMware PowerCLI Script using Linux PowerShell (pwsh-preview), which has the “VMware.PowerCLI” module installed.
Connect-VIServer -Server myvcenter.mylearningsguru.com -User username -Password password
New-VIProperty -Name VMToolsStatus -ObjectType VirtualMachine ` -ValueFromExtensionProperty 'Guest.ToolsStatus' ` -Force
New-VIProperty -Name CORESPERSOCKET -ObjectType VirtualMachine ` -ValueFromExtensionProperty 'config.Hardware.NumCoresPerSocket' ` -Force
New-VIProperty -Name GuestOS -ObjectType VirtualMachine ` -ValueFromExtensionProperty 'config.GuestFullName' ` -Force
$VMs = Get-VM | Select Name,GuestOS,VMHost,NumCPU,CORESPERSOCKET,PowerState,MemoryMB,
VMToolsStatus,@{N="Datastore"; E={$_ | Get-Datastore}},@{N='DNSHostname';E={$_.guest.hostname}},@{N="IP";E={@($_.Guest.IPAddress -match "192.168." -join ',') }} ##To get all IPs which start with 192.168
$result = @()
foreach ($vm in $VMs) {
$result += $vm
$result | Export-Csv -path "/home/user/vcenterdetails.csv"
Name GuestOS VMHost NumCpu CORESPERSOCKET PowerState MemoryMB VMToolsStatus Datastore DNSHostname IP
myserver1 Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) myesxi1 4 1 PoweredOn 8192 toolsOk datastore1 myserver1.test.net
myserver2 Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) myesxi2 4 4 PoweredOn 2048 toolsOk datastore1 myserver2.test.net
myserver3 Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) myesxi3 4 1 PoweredOn 2048 toolsOk datastore1 myserver3.test.net
Check the PowerCLI module installed version in the PowerShell
Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI -ListAvailable
From VMware PowerCLI 10.0 version, we no need to do,
Add-PSSnapin “VMware.VimAutomation.Core”, which otherwise is required if the PowerCLI or PowerShell has to recognise any PowerCLI cmdlets.
2) VMware PowerCLI Script (PowerCLI version < 10.0)
function LoadSnapin{
if (!(Get-PSSnapin | where {$_.Name -eq $PSSnapinName})){
Add-pssnapin -name $PSSnapinName
# Load PowerCLI snapin
LoadSnapin -PSSnapinName "VMware.VimAutomation.Core"
Connect-VIServer -Server myvcenter.mylearningsguru.com -User username -Password password
New-VIProperty -Name VMToolsStatus -ObjectType VirtualMachine ` -ValueFromExtensionProperty 'Guest.ToolsStatus' ` -Force
New-VIProperty -Name CORESPERSOCKET -ObjectType VirtualMachine ` -ValueFromExtensionProperty 'config.Hardware.NumCoresPerSocket' ` -Force
New-VIProperty -Name GuestOS -ObjectType VirtualMachine ` -ValueFromExtensionProperty 'config.GuestFullName' ` -Force
$VMs = Get-VM | Select Name,GuestOS,VMHost,NumCPU,CORESPERSOCKET,PowerState,MemoryMB,
VMToolsStatus,@{N="Datastore"; E={$_ | Get-Datastore}},@{N='DNSHostname';E={$_.guest.hostname}},@{N="IP";E={@($_.Guest.IPAddress -match "192.168." -join ',') }} ##To get all IPs which start with 192.168
$result = @()
foreach ($vm in $VMs) {
$result += $vm
$result | Export-Csv -path c:\powerclioutput\vmdetails.csv
Name GuestOS VMHost NumCpu CORESPERSOCKET PowerState MemoryMB VMToolsStatus Datastore DNSHostname IP
myserver1 Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) myesxi1 4 1 PoweredOn 8192 toolsOk datastore1 myserver1.test.net
myserver2 Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) myesxi2 4 4 PoweredOn 2048 toolsOk datastore1 myserver2.test.net
myserver3 Ubuntu Linux (64-bit) myesxi3 4 1 PoweredOn 2048 toolsOk datastore1 myserver3.test.net